Feb 8, 2023Liked by Anjali Prasertong

This is really thoughtful and well explained, thank you!

This also reminds me of when I was a kid and we were on food stamps. Back then, food stamps were actual pieces of paper and sometimes my dad would give us a small denomination one as our allowance and we'd be allowed to pick out a candy bar or a treat at the store. It was emotionally complicated (yay for a treat, but I was old enough to know I should be embarrassed about the food stamps) but it was one of the few times where food could be a source of a small joy for me and not an on-going worry. That was over 30 years ago now and it really sucks that our culture continues to hate poor people so much.

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I read that news a few weeks ago when it broke and have been trying to formulate my thoughts around it. My research background is in Emergency Food Assistance and working with things like SNAP/WIC/Thrifty. My half formed essay wouldn't come close to this, thank you for your explanation and addressing such an important issue.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Anjali Prasertong

Thank you for putting this into words! This issue is SO important and not discussed nearly enough

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